When should you choose telemedicine?

Dr. Nguyen Gouez, Medical Director

In the modern age of medicine, a wide range of health problems can now be effectively assessed and treated online.
However, certain conditions make it imperative to have a physical assessment to ensure optimal and safe care. At Allodocteur.ca, we offer targeted virtual consultations to meet your immediate needs, while emphasizing the crucial importance of in-person visits for a complete assessment.

It's essential to understand that, despite its many advantages, telemedicine is a complement to, not a replacement for, a physical consultation.

This guide is designed to help you understand whether telemedicine is the best option for you.

Telemedicine applications

For short-term management, virtual care is ideally suited to the following situations, as recommended in the Canadian Medical Association's virtual care discussion paper:

  • Psychological disorders with no associated physical pathology: appropriate assessment and follow-up can be carried out remotely.

  • Minor dermatological conditions: An effective consultation can be facilitated by sending clear, detailed photos in advance, which often offer better resolution than videos.

  • Benign infections: Management of urinary tract infections, sinusitis and mild skin infections via virtual consultation.

  • Sore throat and red eyes without severe symptoms: Assessment not requiring immediate physical examination.

  • Sexual health: counseling, STI screening and management of hormonal contraception, with a preliminary blood pressure measurement performed at home or in the pharmacy.

  • Monitoring of chronic conditions: Use of home appliances or laboratory tests to monitor hypertension, cholesterol, thyroid disorders and certain aspects of diabetes.

  • Interpretation of medical results: Analysis of specialist reports and results of laboratory or imaging tests prescribed via the platform.

  • Promotion of good health practices: personalized advice to maintain or improve general well-being or well-being linked to a specific condition.

Limitations of telemedicine

Telemedicine is not suitable for certain types of health problems that require a direct physical examination by a physician. Here are some specific situations requiring an in-person consultation:

  • New or Urgent Symptoms: Including chest pain, shortness of breath, visual or auditory disturbances, weakness, fainting, palpitations, paralysis, sudden numbness or severe headaches, requiring an immediate visit to the emergency room.

  • Otalgia: Requires internal ear examination, unavailable via video call.

  • Pronounced cough: where pulmonary auscultation with a stethoscope is indispensable.

  • Gastrointestinal disorders: Abdominal or pelvic pain requiring manual palpation for diagnosis.

  • Unexplained Weight Loss and Persistent Fatigue: Symptoms requiring in-depth evaluation.

  • Trauma and Musculoskeletal Disorders: Requiring physical examination to assess tenderness, heat, arthritis or ligament problems.

  • Gestion des Accidents de Travail CNESST: Requires a physical examination to properly document injuries.

  • Formalities Requiring a Physical Examination: Such as SAAQ documents or medical attestations for long-term work, to confirm the patient's state of health accurately.

  • Diminished general condition: Symptoms of fatigue or generalized malaise requiring a thorough examination.

Controlled Substances and Work Stoppages Policy :

  • Controlled substances: The prescription of such substances is limited to one month, in line with our strict policy of guaranteeing safety and quality of care.

  • Work stoppages: It is not possible to provide extended or retroactive work stoppages via telemedicine. For needs beyond one week, an in-person consultation is required.

Does your health problem fall within the scope of telemedicine?

Avoid frustration and make an appointment with our doctors at home.
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